Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Watcha Working on Wednesday

Friday, February 6, 2009
It's Friday & Deja-vu
I don't really have anything new to post today. I'm still finishing the stars, cheese plate, and the couple of other things that I had picked up. I'm going to go back to the thrift store today and pick up a couple more of those cheese plates, hopefully they are still there.
Last night while I was watching tv instead of reading or stitching (was too tired for any of that) I had decided to browse past issues of the Country Sampler magazine. I did have issues all the way back to 1994 but cleaned out and kept 2003 and on anyhoo the two that I grabbed were November 2003 and Home Tour Edition 2008.
Well I guess that's enough venting, I'll go get the day started.
Have a great day :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Watcha Working on Wednesday
I took the pictures of my TS finds, couldn't take pictures of everything because I'm using two items as part of my swap I'm working on. I didn't find anything too great but at least I finally found something. So I am working on some of these items today.
I don't really know what to do with this, anyone have any ideas?
Well gotta go and get my mess cleaned up and get started on dinner. I will be back later to see what everyone has been up to today. Don't forget to stop over and see Leslie at My Country Home, sorry blogger is giving me a hard time on posting and linking today.
Have a great day!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I'm Still Here!
I want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes :) I had lunch with my mom and I kept to the diet and ate salad. Later when hubby came home he insisted we were going out to dinner, I really didn't want to but I did and SURPRISE there was a party for me with all my kids, family and a few friends. It was nice , suddenly the day felt better just being with everyone. Guess what I ate.... Salad, yes again. I didn't even eat a piece of my own birthday cake.. I WAS GOOD!!
I finally found a couple of things at the thrift store and will take pictures of those items today so I can post tomorrow. Janene over at Primitive Lifestyle has been doing thrifty re-do's and I thought it would be fun to join in, others have joined in also, everyone is coming up with some neat ideas. So go on over to Janene's http://janene-primitivelifestyle.blogspot.com/ and check out some her make-overs.
Angie over at http://simplethymeprimitives.blogspot.com/ has a swap going on so go on over and sign up. The deadline to enter the swap is February 7th so you have plenty of time to create or shop!

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Oh Lordy! Guess Who's 40!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I'm in Love!

I hope this finds everyone doing well! I did it again. Making it almost a week before posting. I don't know how everyone keeps up everyday. Every time I post I tell myself I will do a better job at keeping up but it doesn't seem to work, time just seems to get away
I had a few questions about the tomatoes and gardening I would like to answer. This year I'm going to grow the following tomatoes - Brandywine,Mortgage Lifter,Opalka and Rutgers. These are heirlooms and I've never grown them before I picked these out of all the research and reading that I've done.
This year I've ordered all my seeds from Jung's Seed and Burpee's. There are others that are good also it just depends on what you're looking for. Johnny Seeds, Tomato Growers, Heirloom Seeds, Vermont Bean Seed Co, Miller Nurseries. These are the only ones that I've ordered from and have experience with. A great source of information for gardening http://www.gardenweb.com/ they have over a hundred forums in there on everything and anything.
Well that's it for the day I guess I have to go and get something done. I hope you have a great day.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I've got the Bug!